

Thursday, January 31, 2008

30. The end!

I thought I'd never get here. #29 pretty much sums up what I think regarding what I've experienced. One thing I've learned through this program is new things are becoming available everyday on the Internet. I probably wouldn't have bothered to check out what mashups were, even if I'd seen it on one of the sites I use. Mainly because of lack of time.

The main improvement I can suggest is to get Com-IT to recognize the value of what libraries do. It's ridiculous that we're blocked from podcasts and other libraries across the nation are using them to reach out to their customers. One other thing--you might want to rethink how each participant's progress is recorded. The spread sheet nightmare was unbelieveable. Amy Bateman and I were talking and she suggested that perhaps next time this type of program is offered, there should be a beginners and an advanced . I totally agree.

Would I participate again? Yes. I learned some new terminology and discovered things I didn't know about, but being able to do this program in 12 weeks wasn't possible. Each exercise took a different amount of time. It wasn't possible to get that much off the desk time to complete the "things" weekly.

There were problems here and there, but thank you, Cindy, for the work you did on this.

1 comment:

Cindy Hart said...

Congrats! You completed 30 things, collaborated with peers and evolved as a lifelong learner.